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BLESSHERB China Hong Kong trademark Class 5 for Sale and assignment of trademarks

On the day of trademark purchase, it is allowed to use Amazon and other platforms, and brand registration includes transfer services
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BLESSHERB China Hong Kong trademark Class 5 for Sale and assignment of trademarks, Authorized for use on the day of purchase, Amazon and other platform brands can be put on record, Including transfer services. --Yiyesheng, Build the world's largest brand trading platform.

Goods and ServicesAntibacterial soap, antibacterial hand sanitizer, bactericide, medical vaginal cleanser, personal sexual intercourse lubricant, eye wash containing drugs, medical alcohol, eye drops, frostbite preparations, medical lotion, skin care agents, suppositories, sunburn ointment, medical bath preparations, medical diagnostic preparations, medical or veterinary chemical reagents, medical test paper, acne treatment preparations, disinfectants, contact lens cleaner, air purification preparations, pesticides, sanitary underwear, Sanitary napkins, diapers for incontinence, tissue paper impregnated with medicine, baby diapers, baby diapers, medical fillers, medical dressings, medical adhesive tapes, medical cotton swabs, dental fillers, pet diapers, mosquito repellent stickers for infants, wound stickers (bandage materials), plasters, bandage materials.

抗菌皂,抗菌洗手液, 杀菌剂, 医用阴道清洗液,个人用性交润滑剂,含药物的洗眼剂,医用酒精,眼药水,冻疮制剂,药用洗液,护肤药剂,栓剂,治晒伤软膏, 医用洗浴制剂,医用诊断制剂,医用或兽医用化学试剂, 医用试纸,痤疮治疗制剂,消毒剂, 隐形眼镜清洁剂, 空气净化制剂, 杀虫剂, 卫生内裤,卫生巾,失禁用尿布,浸药液的薄纸,婴儿尿布,婴儿尿裤, 医用填料,医用敷料,医用胶布,医用棉签, 牙填料, 宠物尿布, 婴儿用驱蚊贴, 创口贴(绷敷材料), 膏药,绷敷材料。

Registration Number305469625
Registration Date2021/12/9
Renewal Date2030/4/12
Owner英國紫色和平有限公司 (UK PURPLE PEACE CO., LTD)
Live/Dead IndicatorLIVE

Yiyesheng (Shenzhen) Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd