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商标购买当天授权使用 可亚马逊等平台品牌备案 包含转让服务
★★★★★ 47人浏览过此商品


CeasarLove德国商标30类,品牌R标转让出售,购买当天授权使用,可亚马逊等平台品牌备案,包含转让服务。 -- 翼叶声打造最大全球品牌买卖交易平台

Word MarkCeasarLove
Goods and ServicesTea; Coffee; Cocoa; Sugar; Cassava; Flour; Grain products; Bread; Exquisite baked goods; Candy, candy; Ice cream; Honey; Tequila syrup [natural sweetener]; Yeast; Salt; Mustard; Vinegar; Sauce; Spices; Refrigerated ice; Sandwich; Pizza; Pancake; biscuit Cake; Zwibak; Chocolate; Cocoa beverage; Coffee beverages; Tea beverage; Candy; Oat based foods; Freeze dried rice dishes; Noodles; Grains and snacks; Rice snacks; Starch for food use; Ice cream; Seasonings; Essence for food, excluding essential oil and essential oil; Household meat seasoning [tenderizer]; Rice; Tea; Propolis; Hard caramel

茶; 咖啡; 可可; 糖; 木薯; 面粉; 谷物制品;面包; 精致的烘焙食品;糖果、糖果;冰淇淋; 蜂蜜; 龙舌兰糖浆[天然甜味剂];酵母; 盐; 芥末; 醋; 酱汁;香料; 冷藏冰;三明治;披萨;煎饼 [薄饼]; 饼干; 蛋糕; 兹维巴克;巧克力; 可可饮料;咖啡饮料;茶饮料;糖果;燕麦类食品;冻干米饭菜肴;面条; 谷物零食;米饭零食;食品用淀粉;冰淇淋; 调味料;食品用香精,不包括精油和精油;家用肉类调味品[嫩化剂];米; 茶叶; 蜂胶;硬焦糖

Registration Number302023117949
Registration Date2023-12-5
Renewal Date2033-12-5
OwnerDongguan XiangLong International Trading Co.
Live/Dead IndicatorLIVE

2023@Copyrihgt 翼叶声(深圳)知识产权代理有限公司备案号: 粵ICP备16121169号-1
