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Beauty/Personal Care Products - perfume Selection Analysis Report


1、 Product Analysis

1. Product demand trends and seasonality

Keywords "Perfume"

The monthly search volume of related keywords on Amazon since 2017 is shown in the figure:


There are 370000+ASIN keywords on the Amazon US website page.


As shown in the figure:

1.1 Since January 2017, the overall fluctuation in search volume for product related keywords has been 

relatively small.

1.2 The product has obvious seasonality, and December is the peak demand season every year.


2、Product lifecycle

Listing time distribution chart:



As shown in the figure, the product has a long life cycle (with an average shelf life of 6 years and 5 months).

Listing time data comparison table:



2、 Analysis of Product Market Competition

1. Overall market volume and new product analysis

Product concentration and sales distribution chart:


Distribution chart of product concentration and sales volume:


As shown in the figure, the concentration of goods is relatively low (51.0%).


The average monthly sales volume of the product is 6016, with a monthly sales volume of $179316 and 

an average price of $33.33.

In the past 6 months, 7 new products have entered the market, accounting for 7%, with an average 

monthly sales volume of 3294, accounting for 54.7%; The monthly average sales revenue is 77821 US dollars, 

accounting for 43.4%, and the average price is 26.23 US dollars, indicating that new products are easy to 

enter the market.

Out of the 100 products, 99 have monthly sales of over $10000; 90 products with monthly sales exceeding 

$20000; 68 products with sales revenue exceeding $50000; 43 products with monthly sales exceeding 

$100000; 24 products with monthly sales exceeding $200000; The monthly sales of 5 products are above 


Top 10 Brand Sales Data Comparison Table:


2. Listing trend analysis


Product launch trend distribution chart:


As shown in the figure, the product has experienced significant fluctuations on the market and has shown a good growth trend in recent years.

omparison table of product launch trends in recent years:




3. Overall quality analysis

Product rating score distribution chart:



Product rating distribution chart:




From the graph, it can be seen that products are relatively concentrated in the high rating area, indicating that new products have high barriers to entry into the market and the market is relatively saturated; At the same time, the overall rating is above average, and the overall market satisfaction of the product is good.


The average product score is 5273, with an average score of 4.4, indicating an overall average score of above 


Among the 100 products, 93 products scored above 500 (monthly sales of 582650, accounting for 96.84%), 

45 products scored above 4.5 (monthly sales of 287193, accounting for 47.73%), 34 products scored between 

4.3 and 4.5 (sales of 166616, accounting for 27.69%), and 11 products scored between 4.0 and 4.3 (sales of 

79349, accounting for 13.19%)


4. Price analysis

Product Price Distribution Map:



As shown in the figure, products with a price range of 20-30 US dollars (25/100) account for the majority.

Price distribution comparison table:




3、 Market data analysis

1. Analysis of seller nature

1.1 Analysis of seller concentration:

Seller concentration and sales distribution:


Seller Concentration Sales Distribution Chart:


As shown in the figure, the concentration of sellers is relatively high (a total of 53 sellers, with a concentration 

rate of 77%).

Comparison table of sales data for the top ten sellers:


1.2 Analysis of seller types:

Seller Type Distribution Map:


Picture 1



Picture 2


As shown in the figure, the seller of this product is mainly FBA.


Comparison chart of seller type data:

1.3 Analysis of seller's location

As shown in the figure:


As shown in the figure, the products are mainly sold by American sellers, accounting for 95%.

Comparison table of seller location distribution data:



2. Brand concentration distribution

Brand concentration and sales distribution chart:



Brand concentration sales distribution chart:



From the above figure, it can be seen that the brand concentration is 66%, which is relatively low.

Out of 67 brands, 33 brands have monthly sales of over $100000, accounting for 49.2%.

Product Sales Top Ten Brand Data Table:



4、 Operating cost estimation

Taking 10 randomly selected products as an example:


5、 Keyword recommendation

Perfume, Victoria secret perfume

Note: The above images and data are from Seller Sprite.

Yiyesheng (Shenzhen) Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd