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Household goods storage bag - selection analysis report (Amazon)


I、 Storage bag product analysis

Keyword ''.storage

2017The monthly search volume on Amazon since is shown in the figure below:


It can be seen from the figure that although the product demand trend fluctuates, it is stable as a whole.


1. Life cycle

Distribution of time of putting on the shelves:



It can be seen from the figure that the life cycle of the product is short.


Among the 33 products, one has been on the shelves for one month, two for half a year, nine for one year, nine for one and a half years, three for two years, seven for two and a half years, one for three years and one for more than three years.There are a total of 12 models for two years and more.


2. Seasonality

Product demand trend chart:



It can be seen from the figure that the product has obvious seasonality.

The search volume of products fluctuates obviously, with January and July each year as the peak demand season.


II、 Product market competition analysis


1. Overall market volume analysis

33The monthly sales statistics of this product are shown in the figure below



It can be seen from the figure that if you want to get a good income (more than 10000 dollars), you must enter the top 20 of the selection at least.


Let's compare the sales data: the sales volume ranks first, with monthly sales of 24801 and monthly sales of 966991 US dollars, accounting for 32.23% and 48.70%;No. 10, with sales volume of 1293 and sales volume of USD 32312, accounting for 1.68% and 1.63%.No. 20, with sales of 386 and sales of 14664 US dollars, accounting for 0.50% and 0.74% respectively.


2. Proportion analysis of new products

Commodity concentration - distribution of commodity sales:



Sales distribution chart:


It can be seen from the figure that new products are easy to enter the market.


In the last 12 months, 11 new products have entered the market, and 4 have entered the top 20 in sales.


3. Shelf trend analysis

Product shelf trend distribution diagram:



It can be seen from the figure that the number of new products on the shelves continues to increase.


4. Overall product quality analysis

Distribution of product evaluation scores:



Product score distribution:



It can be seen from the figure that the overall score of the product is large and the sales volume is large, but the quality difference is large and there are quality defects.


Among the 33 products, there are 17 sellers with a score of more than 500 (monthly sales volume of 70809, accounting for 92.03%), and only 9 with a score of more than 4.5 (monthly sales volume of 47636, accounting for 61.91%).


5. Price analysis

Product price analysis chart:



As can be seen from the figure, the product price is $15-20 and $35-45, accounting for the majority of sales (18 / 33).

Among them, there are 15 products with a monthly sales volume of $15-20 (26523, accounting for 32.67% and 24.69%) and 3 products with a monthly sales volume of $35-45 (25193, accounting for 32.74% and 49.45%). The sales volume and sales volume of $45-60 are better.


III、 Market data analysis


1.     Seller nature distribution

1.1Seller concentration analysis:

Seller sales distribution:


Seller sales distribution:



As can be seen from the figure, the seller concentration is very high (92.6%).


The first seller accounts for the majority of sales and sales (sales volume 39235, accounting for 50.99%, sales volume 1288507 US dollars, accounting for 64.89%, including new products accounting for 7.68%). The 15th seller has sales volume 810, accounting for 1.05%, sales volume 12126 US dollars, accounting for 0.61%.


1.2 seller type distribution:

Seller type distribution map:


Figure 1


Figure 2



It can be seen from the figure that the product is mainly FBA sellers, and the monopoly phenomenon is not obvious.


Most of the sales volume of asin and are FBA sellers, accounting for 90.91%, and the monthly sales volume accounts for 91.68%.Amazon's proprietary accounts for 3.03% and 4.37% of asin and sales.FBM seller asin and sales volume 6.06% and 3.95%.However, Amazon is far ahead in both scores and scores.


1.3 seller's geographical distribution

As shown in the figure:


As can be seen from the figure, it is mainly Chinese products.


33Among the products, there are 28 models in China (monthly sales volume 67515, accounting for 87.75%), and 5 models in the United States (monthly sales volume 9446, accounting for 12.25%).


2. Brand concentration distribution

Brand concentration sales figure:


Distribution of brand concentration and sales:


As can be seen from the above figure, the brand concentration is 92.6%, and the market competition is fierce.


IV、 Product profit estimation

Take the top 5 products in sales as an example:



Total revenue (USD)

Total cost (USD)

Profit (USD)

Gross margin






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Yiyesheng (Shenzhen) Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd