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CalvinCare Germany trademark Class 5 for Sale and assignment of trademarks

On the day of trademark purchase, it is allowed to use Amazon and other platforms, and brand registration includes transfer services
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CalvinCare Germany trademark Class 5  for Sale and assignment of trademarks, Authorized for use on the day of purchase, Amazon and other platform brands can be put on record, Including transfer services. --Yiyesheng, Build the world's largest brand trading platform

Word MarkCalvinCare
Goods and ServicesMedical products; Veterinary preparations; Medical and health preparations; Disinfection soap; Medicinal soap; Medicinal toothpaste; Medical weight loss food; Animal nutrition food; Baby food; Food supplements for dietary purposes; Dressing materials; Dental filling materials; Disinfectants; Antibacterial hand sanitizer; Preparation work for eliminating pests; Fungicides; Sanitary napkins; Medical chemical preparations; Herbs; Parasiticides; Baby food; Pet vitamin and mineral food supplements; Vitamin and mineral supplements; Infant formula; Air purifier; Toilet deodorant; Protective pads [sanitary products]; Sanitary preparations and supplies; Incontinence diapers; Baby diapers; Wet tissue soaked in medicine; Alcohol used for medical purposes; Drug preparations for skin care; Wipe with antibacterial solution; Wet wipes soaked in medicinal liquid; Kill viruses; Medicinal detergent; Medical use drugs; Diagnostic preparations for medical purposes; Preparation for treating motion sickness; Infant mosquito repellent patches; A deworming agent for the skin; Vaginal irrigators for medical purposes; Enzyme food supplements; Vaginal area lubricant; Medical plaster; Animal drug preparations; Probiotic supplements; Preparation containing probiotics for medical purposes; Medicated mouthwash (delete category 5 health product related products in case of objection)

医药产品;兽医制剂;医疗卫生制剂;消毒肥皂;药皂;药用牙膏;医用减肥食品;兽用营养食品;婴儿食品;用于膳食目的的食品补充剂;敷料材料;补牙材料;消毒剂;抗菌洗手液;消灭害虫的准备工作;杀菌剂;卫生巾; 医用化学制剂;草药;杀寄生虫剂;婴儿食品;宠物维生素和矿物质食品补充剂;维生素和矿物质补充剂;婴儿奶粉;空气净化器;厕所除臭剂;护垫[卫生用品];卫生制剂和用品;失禁尿布;婴儿尿布;浸有药液的湿纸巾;用于医疗目的的酒精;皮肤护理用药物制剂;用抗菌溶液擦拭;浸有药液的湿巾;杀病毒;药用洗剂;医疗用途药品;医疗用途的诊断制剂;治疗晕车的制剂;婴儿驱蚊贴;用于皮肤的驱虫剂;医疗用途的阴道冲洗器;酶食品补充剂;阴道区域润滑剂;医用膏药;动物用药物制剂;益生菌补充剂;用于医疗目的的含有益生菌的制剂;含药漱口水(遇到异议 第5类保健品相关产品删除)

Registration Number302023109721
Registration Date2023-8-17
Renewal Date2033-6-17
OwnerPony Party (ChongQing) International Trading Co.
Live/Dead IndicatorLIVE

Yiyesheng (Shenzhen) Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd