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HAROSEY korea trademark Class 25 for Sale and assignment of trademarks

On the day of trademark purchase, it is allowed to use Amazon and other platforms, and brand registration includes transfer services
Yiyesheng: building the world's largest brand trading platform
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HAROSEY  korea trademark Class 25 for Sale and assignment of trademarks, Authorized for use on the day of purchase, Amazon and other platform brands can be put on record, Including transfer services. --Yiyesheng, Build the world's largest brand trading platform.

Goods and Services

Suit pants, clothing, outerwear, top (clothing), skirt, dress, sleep mask, makeup ball dress, pajamas, underwear, swimsuit, children's clothing, insoles, sportswear, shoes, hats, socks, clothing gloves, scarves, clothing. Belt,

西装裤、服装、外衣、上衣(服装)、裙子、连衣裙、睡眠面罩、化装舞会礼服、睡衣、内衣、泳衣、童装、鞋垫、运动服、鞋、帽、袜子、服装手套、围巾、服装。 腰带,

Registration Number4020220161766
Registration Date2023-11-13
Renewal Date2033-11-13
OwnerAndsmile (Shenzhen) International Trading Co.
Live/Dead IndicatorLIVE

Yiyesheng (Shenzhen) Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd